Coatings fabricated from local waste streams الطلاءات المصنعة من مجاري النفايات المحلية

In 2022, Cooloo returned to Milan Design Week with cutting-edge coatings and products made from regional waste streams.

Developing groundbreaking finishings – Cooloo returned to Milan Design Week 2022 with the next step in circularity. Featuring innovative ‘coatings’ and materials fabricated from local waste streams.

Brilliantly shedding light on the future of furniture – the Dutch radical innovators displayed their latest sustainable materials and technologies through a circular material exhibition along with one-of-a-kind collaborations throughout the city.

“Viewers could see and feel the raw waste materials that are the base of the coatings. From leather to a cork, jeans, and much more. Showing one where it comes from and how it’s processed into beautiful products,” says Cooloo.

At first, their eclectic furniture collaboration with Kullar was created for the transformation of the Peace Church in Tilburg, the Netherlands.

Skillfully crafting a minimalistic, robust as well as sustainable iconic line. This furniture set combined CNC milling and simple assembly with their circular coatings.

On the other hand, they seamlessly coated the mint table by Sandra Keja Planken with a special mint green Econcrete as well as the Foamblock chair by Teun Zwets.

“Discard pieces of foam glued together and coated with Ameba technology as well as our CoolJeans coating. Were further onto the Studio Wae circular carpets” the studio adds.

They additionally showcased a remanufactured Barcelona daybed by Paul Econcrete, fabricated from tennisbal foam and their flexible silver coating.

The straps were by ECCO Leather and effortlessly attached to an original second-hand Mies van der Rohe frame.
“There was also the experience of Lisa Ertell and Jannis Zell at the Marsèll Paradise gallery – these two German designers made a flexible modular sofa coated with recycled leather from Marsèll shoes,” says Cooloo.


Finally, read more on Archup:


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