With urban populations on the rise, space is becoming an increasingly scarce and valuable resource. High land prices, growing density, and environmental challenges highlight the need for innovative compact living solutions. This competition seeks to redefine urban living by creating functional and livable spaces within limited footprints. Participants are invited to explore how compact design can address housing, education, and city planning in ways that enhance both efficiency and quality of life.


The competition aims to push the boundaries of architectural design by focusing on compact structures and city modules. Designs should prioritize spatial efficiency while maintaining user comfort and sustainability. Participants are encouraged to develop homes, schools, or even entire urban communities that maximize limited space without compromising essential aspects of modern living, such as privacy, accessibility, and social interaction.

Schedule and Fees

  • Early Registration: 10th November 23:59 GMT/UTC ($30 USD)
  • Regular Registration: 10th December 23:59 GMT/UTC ($45 USD)
  • Late Registration: 25th December 23:59 GMT/UTC ($60 USD)
  • Submission Deadline: 25th December 23:59 GMT/UTC
  • Results Announcement: 25th January 2025

Prizes & Grants

  • Winner (1): $1000 + Certificate + Publication in Annual Issue + Blog Post
  • Runners Up (4): $250 + Certificate + Publication in Annual Issue + Blog Post
  • All Participants: Participation Certificates for all teams

Finally, find out more on ArchUp:

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