FuturArc Prize 2022

Architecture Competition: FuturArc Prize 2022

About FuturArc Prize 2022: Reinterpretation

Buildings sitting empty have become a more common sight for the past year due to the current health crisis. This is especially so for commercial developments such as office towers and retail malls, as well as cultural or institutional places such as museums and theatre halls. What should we do about these buildings that still have the bones and structural integrity to support activities and life? Could we reinterpre these entities for the public good?

FuturArc Prize (FAP) 2022: Reinterpretation asks how corporate/private/state-owned entities in Asia could be reinterpreted as civic/public spaces that are good, inviting, safe and sustainable.

Could we turn them, for example, into: high-rise community farms to contribute to the local food supply; solar PV or hydro farms that feed power back to the local grid that are also sites for public amenities; or parks with play and learning areas for children, or communal facilities for the elderly?

FAP 2022 asks students to submit ideas to reinterpret an existing built entity as a public property that is safe, inviting, sustainable and gives back to the community.

Key Dates

  • 22 November 2021: Registration & submission start
  • 25 February 2022: Registration & submission end
  • End of April 2022: Results & individual notification
  • May & June 2022: Awards
  • September & December 2022: Publication in FuturArc magazine

For more details on the brief, registration and submission, visit: https://www.futurarc.com/fap2022/.

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