In the heart of the historic Inselspital Bern in Switzerland, a groundbreaking intervention has emerged within the newly inaugurated Anna-Seiler-Haus main building. Designed by ASTOC Architects and Planners, GWJ Architektur, and IAAG Architekten, this architectural marvel, named after the hospital’s founder, Anna Seiler, dates back to 1354. Among the innovative features gracing the 80-foot-high atrium, Loops, an installation by SpY and Studio Banana, takes center stage, ushering in a fusion of timeless artistry and 21st-century dynamism.

A Glimpse into the Future: Anna-Seiler-Haus and Its Modern Addition

Anna-Seiler-Haus, steeped in centuries of history, now boasts a contemporary addition that marries architectural ingenuity with artistic brilliance. While rooted in tradition, the hospital’s new main building propels Inselspital Bern into the future, offering a holistic environment for patients and visitors alike. At its core is the mesmerizing Loops installation, an embodiment of kinetic circles that redefine the perception of time and space.

The Artistic Ensemble: ASTOC Architects, GWJ Architektur, and IAAG Architekten

Collaboration between ASTOC Architects and Planners, GWJ Architektur, and IAAG Architekten has given rise to Anna-Seiler-Haus, a testament to harmonious teamwork and visionary design. This ensemble of architectural prowess sets the stage for the transformative journey that awaits within the hospital’s atrium, where Loops serves as a captivating focal point.

Loops: A Symphony of Light and Motion

Suspended within the 80-foot-high atrium, Loops is a symphony of light and motion, curated by the collective genius of SpY and Studio Banana. Comprising two dozen large, kinetic circles, each boasting a 5-foot diameter and adorned with LEDs along their inner rims. This aluminum installation is also a choreographed dance of form and illumination. The rings, suspended by steel cables connected to winches, redefine the spatial experience through dynamic movements.

Cyclical Harmony: Nature-Inspired Choreography

Loops is more than a static installation; it’s a living artwork inspired by the cyclical movements of nature. Architect Ali Ganjavian notes that the choreography adapts to the rhythm of the day. Additionally, mirroring the calmer pace of mornings and evenings and intensifying during the day. As the rings oscillate, they create infinite shapes, allowing viewers to witness a constantly evolving masterpiece.

Health and Art: Holistic Design for Patient Well-Being

Incorporating art into hospital design is not merely an aesthetic choice; it’s a holistic approach that recognizes the positive impact of art on health. The Loops installation, with its meditative qualities and ever-changing forms, aspires to contribute to patient outcomes positively. Also, The dynamic interplay of light and motion becomes a source of comfort and inspiration within the healing environment.

Temporal Symphony: Synchronized Timekeeping

Beyond its artistic allure, Loops serves a functional purpose in temporal synchronization. Every hour, the rings harmonize, pulsating with gentle light pulses to indicate the passing of time. Furthermore, This temporal symphony adds a practical dimension to the installation, seamlessly integrating aesthetics with functionality.

Inselspital Bern: A Beacon of Innovation

Inselspital Bern, with its historic legacy and contemporary vision, stands as a beacon of innovation. Anna-Seiler-Haus and the Loops installation exemplify the seamless integration of tradition and modernity. Therefore, transforming the hospital into a space where architecture, art, and well-being converge.

A Timeless Journey: Exploring Infinite Shapes

As viewers move through the five floors of the atrium, the Loops installation transforms the space, creating a visual journey through infinite shapes. Spanish artist SpY emphasizes that the interplay between the viewer and the sculpture generates new artworks continuously. In this timeless journey, the past, present, and future coalesce. Thus, offering an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional hospital design.

Time and Light: A Symbolic Confluence

Loops becomes more than an installation; it becomes a symbolic confluence of time and light. The gentle pulses of light emitted by synchronized rings serve as a reminder of temporal continuity, bridging the past and the present. Moreover, Within the atrium’s expanse, this confluence symbolizes the continuum of life, where art becomes a catalyst for healing and hope.

Innovation in Every Beat: Healing Through Art

Loops at Inselspital Bern stands as an embodiment of innovation, where every beat of light and motion contributes to the healing environment. The installation’s dynamic presence within Anna-Seiler-Haus reflects the commitment to pushing boundaries. Moreover, embracing the future, and fostering a space where health and art converge in harmony.


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