Robust - A Civic Center to protect locals from hurricanes | Robust - مركز مدني لحماية السكان المحليين من الأعاصير

Architecture Competition: Robust – A Civic Center to protect locals from hurricanes

Brief: The challenge is to design a civil protection centre that can become a shelter for town people during hurricane emergencies.

It will operate as a command centre for agencies responsible for citizen protection, rescue, and management.

The structure must be fortified to stand against the hurricane hazards of storms, flooding, and flying debris. Hurricane-proof materials and technology must be explored. In the process of boosting hurricane resistance, the quality of design must not be compromised.

The aim of the design is to be a multifunctional space that is used by service agencies as well as the public for activities. It must also serve as a training facility for hurricane preparedness. It can be used as a facility for the storage of amenities and dispersal of emergency services, in the aftermath of a disaster.

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