Studio Ibrahim Joharji designs the modern house in Orani, Sardinia

Studio Ibrahim Johari designs the modern house in Orani, Sardinia | استديو ابراهيم جوهري يصمم المنزل الحديث في أوراني، سردينيا

Have you tried living inside art before? If your answer is no, then the Nivola Museum is for you.

Saudi architectural consultant INJ Architects has designed one of the most unique home designs, and has dubbed it the Modern House. Referring to the architectural philosophy of design, it refers to the unique sense of being within an artistic space filled with passion and enthusiasm about architecture and a close connection to art.

The challenge this design embodies is to integrate the Urian architectural heritage and the flexible works of Nivola. The design intent has also created a spatial art, where visitors can experience and taste the essence of Neufla’s creations. Plus it’s about modern home design. The sculptural groups are also located in nature and overlook the grandeur of the ancient city.

Modern Home Design Inspiration – Home Design
The architect studied Nivola’s sculptures, the most important of which is his “Mother” sculpture. Therefore, the architectural composition is an essential part of the architectural design of this house.

It was envisaged that the fluidity and organic nature of a Nivola masterpiece should be specifically reflected in the spatial perception of the architecture. So when you live there, you will feel the artistic inspiration, which is important in modern home designs.

As for the shape of the design, it is inspired by the living unit to be a twisting elliptical shape that adds visually and dynamism to visitors. Equally important, the temporal ephemera of the model is optimized as one moves around the module.

The living unit is covered in wood to match the pristine nature, but the artistic experience is enhanced in the designated outdoor seating that secludes one in the picturesque nature. It provides isolation for thought, which is not available in many current home designs.

The entrance swallows one up, then through a narrow revolving staircase creating an awkward experience before opening to a spacious mezzanine. Also, panoramic view of nature in the private outside patio.

Architecture is the story one goes through
From opening to closing to opening, from light to dark to light. Feeling awe is what you aspire to achieve. In conclusion, this design is what we think Nivola would be proud to put alongside his business.

Studio Ibrahim Johari designs the modern house in Orani, Sardinia | استديو ابراهيم جوهري يصمم المنزل الحديث في أوراني، سردينيا
© INJ Architects

The designers at INJ Architects strive to implement a design that is different from the norm. This made the challenge of entering such a unique architectural design. Therefore, we link the place and the organic architecture with the strong architectural form that performs a function that enhances the design of things, seeking innovation and diversification in the field of designing the house as a piece of art, and the Saudi architect also seeks to root the idea of ​​​​the possibility of using this style anywhere in the world, and the team has already begun in The design of this unique art form to be within the sites in the historic city of Al-Ula (if it is approved by the Al-Ula Authority), and the community has suited this design proposal, which is an architectural form of very elegance and represents a challenge to the design of the organic architectural design.

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