Architectural Competitions Archive 2021-2023

iJungle Illustration Awards 2022

iJungle Illustration Awards 2022

iJungle Illustration Awards 2022 is now open for entries! iJungle Illustration Awards 2022: iJungle illustration Awards 2022, competition that celebrates the world´s art of illustration has been recently opened for entries inviting all illustrators, agencies, representatives, students and teachers all over the world to participate. illustration book comic graphic design children book poster packaging animation

Miami Floating Housing Competition مسابقة ميامي للإسكان العائم

Miami Floating Housing Competition

Visit Arch Out Loud’s Miami Floating Housing Competition at this click-thru link here.COMPETITION INTRO Miami is facing two major emergencies. First, it has become the least affordable US city to live in. Its housing stock has been depleted by its quickly growing population, accelerated by more people moving during the recent pandemic. Recent reports suggest

Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres الجيل القادم من مراكز إعادة التأهيل بعد السكتة الدماغية

Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres

Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres International Student Competition Share ShareFacebookTwitterMailPinterestWhatsappOr survivors usually stay in rehab for a long time thus, the rehab has lots of potential to improve stroke survivors’ recovery. The “Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres” competition challenges students to design a rehabilitation center for 30 stroke survivors with new and ambitious

Sony World Photography Awards 2023

Sony World Photography Awards 2023

Sony World Photography Awards 2023 is now open for entries! Sony World Photography Awards 2023: The Sony World Photography Awards 2023, one of the most celebrated and diverse photography competitions in the world, now is open for entries inviting all professional, amateur, youth and student photographers to partecipate. photography architecture photography landscape photography portrait photography

Chainsaw Game and Music Festival 2022 مهرجان Chainsaw للألعاب والموسيقى 2022

Chainsaw Game and Music Festival 2022

Chainsaw Game and Music Festival 2022 is now open for entries! Chainsaw Game and Music Festival 2022: The Chainsaw Game and Music Festival 2022 has been recently opened for entries accepting submissions from artists, developers, and professionals from all over the world who want to share their unique perspectives into personal audience experiences. film horror

Greening the Industrial City تخضير المدينة الصناعية

Greening the Industrial City

Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the US, is the largest metropolitan area in the US without zoning regulations. As a result, the city is a patchwork of uses with industrial and commercial zones ensconced in residential neighborhoods. These industrial zones were often distributed in a way that disproportionately impacted low-income communities and communities

Carthage National Museum in Tunisia متحف قرطاج الوطني بتونس

Carthage National Museum in Tunisia

Expertise France, in collaboration with the Tunisian Ministry of Culture and with the support of the European Union announces the launch of the international one-stage design competition for the Requalification of Byrsa Acropolis and Rehabilitation of the Carthage National Museum in Tunisia.The International Union of Architects (UIA) endorses this competition as being in accordance with

Museum of Emotions متحف العواطف

Museum of Emotions / Edition #2

Museum of Emotions / Edition #2Although it may not come to mind right away when you enter a place, architecture has always had a significant effect on feelings. Offices can make you feel energized and productive, art galleries can make…

Rammed Earth Pavilion

Rammed Earth Pavilion

Rammed Earth PavilionOn practically every continent in the world, rammed earth buildings may be found. These buildings are made by compacting moist subsoil, which when dried forms hard and dense walls, bricks, or other structures.When building eco-houses, rammed earth is…

Call for Concepts دعوة لتقديم المفاهيم

Call for Concepts Edition 12

We encourage artists from all over the world to submit a notion for a work of light art during the Call for Concepts. Do you have a thought-provoking idea? Join our call then!Beyond People will be the theme of Edition…

Tokyo Urban Meditation Cabins كابينة طوكيو الحضرية للتأمل

Tokyo Urban Meditation Cabins

Tokyo, the largest city in Japan and a leader in technological and industrial innovation, is the nation’s capital. The biggest destruction is being caused by digital gadgets, even though its peculiar location on the Pacific coast of central Honshu leaves…

Gaudi La Coma Artists’ Residences مساكن الفنانين Gaudi La Coma

Gaudi La Coma Artists’ Residences

Architectural Competition: Gaudi La Coma Artists’ ResidencesProbably Barcelona’s most well-known and adored architect is Antoni Gaudi. He created some of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, including the Sagrada Famlia, which he regrettably never saw finished. His work can…

Land Art Generator Initiative مبادرة مولد فن الأرض

Land Art Generator Initiative 2022 Mannheim

Beautiful Forms of Energy, the theme of the LAGI 2022 Mannheim design competition, offers the chance to integrate renewable energy into the city in ways that enhance human flourishing.The design competition, which is a component of the 2023 German Bundesgartenschau…

Launching a competition to expand the MAXXI Museum

Launching a competition to expand the MAXXI Museum

Launching a competition to expand the MAXXI Museum,An international competition of ideas for the expansion and renovation of the MAXXI Museum, the first Italian public museum designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, has launched the competition for its current museum.The project…

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