Architecture continues to develop to be more innovative and creative. Parametric design is one of the approaches that many architects around the world use. It involves creating a digital design to generate geometric shapes from a large amount of data.


Innovative method, formal optimization 

Recent computer technologies have had a significant impact on design, construction and architecture. Previously, computer tools were only used in certain fields such as aeronautics or the automotive industry. Now, this is no longer the case. Indeed, the knowledge of computer languages, programming and trigonometry are now applied to the architectural field. Thus was born parametric architecture. It presents a total break with traditional architecture insofar as the parameters interact in a non-predetermined way; the goal of this method is to generate a form that would be the “best” possible. This is why parametric architecture is also called performative architecture. More precisely, parametric architecture consists in developing a model where several parameters can be changed. This way, each time a parameter is changed, new possibilities are generated. These parameters can be either lengths, segments, curvatures… they can concern all kinds of elements of the design. 

A method applicable everywhere and of great utility

parametric architectural
parametric architectural

The architecture that uses the parametric is useful at several levels. First of all, it allows to optimize a structure as much as possible, and to ensure that only the necessary amount of material is used. Also, this new architecture can be used to perform a formal research. In this case, the Parametric architecture will have a completely different purpose for the architecture: to reach a high level of complexity, which will allow to produce forms which more or less resemble those of nature: it is what we technically call bio-morphism. On the other hand, parametric tools can have many other functions. In fact, from a constructive rather than a conceptual point of view, these tools can be used to define the cutting of a form’s elements or to elaborate attachment systems. The parametric architecture allows to make new and efficient buildings in their form and their conception. Everything is possible with parametric architecture. Pioneers of parametric architectural design around the world such as Zaha Hadid, and Frank Gehry is a living architectural legend until now, but considering some of the criticisms made by some people and critics that parametric architectural design is too expensive and wasteful, and some describe the beautiful face of architecture, but its costs Extremely high, Frank Gehry responded to them through his distinctive project in New York, the term Gehry Tower New York, and the strange irony is that he categorically succeeded in maintaining the value of design and implementation, and the designer says that the implementation of the tower was carried out without additional expenses and according to the specified budget, and with this A strong response to critics of parametric architecture is considered to be costly.Indeed, some forms can be created without responding to any rule of Euclidean geometry. Even if you ask yourself, how can some buildings be standing? More than surprising, parametric architecture is functional and practical. It remains to be seen if the parametric architecture will evolve over time. Will it be the new architectural and urban style that is often called “parametricism”?




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Engineering programs are considered one of the important tools in parametric design, because dealing with difficult topological surfaces and difficult logarithmic equations is a very complex task and tools must be used. Grasshopper as a complementary tool in parametric design

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