Referred to also as the Golden Spiral, the Golden Mean, or the Divine Proportion, the Golden Ratio is a peculiar numerical quantity observed in mathematics. This numerical value arises when a line is partitioned into two segments whereof the longer section divided by the shorter section is equivalent to the total length of the line partitioned by the longer segment. A pictorial representation of the golden ratio in art and design is a curved, descending spiral, often utilized in memetic visuals as a sign of the perfect balance or beauty it produces.

So, where is the Golden Ratio Point of the World?

It is interesting to note that the Golden Ratio Point of the World is located in the city of Mecca. According to the map of latitude and longitude commonly used for locating a certain place. This can be measured by determining the proportion of the distance between Mecca and the North Pole to the distance between Mecca and the South Pole which in this case is 1.618, the golden mean. Additionally, the same ratio is observed when calculating the distance from the South Pole to Mecca and the distance between the two poles combined.

The area of Mecca which includes the Kaaba is also where the ratio of the eastern distance to the western distance of Mecca’s solstice line is again 1.618. Moreover, the proportion of the distance from Mecca to the Solstice line from the western side of the perimeter of the world at the same latitude is surprisingly also 1.618. To confirm the correctness of the given figures, latitudes and longitudes may be calculated, or a simple calculator can be used. Additionally, if you measure the distance between two points in the world, you may use the ruler feature in Google World. If we assume the longitude and latitude map of the World as an everlasting painting which has an endless depth, we can surely say that the Golden Ratio Point of the World is the City of Mecca.

The Golden Ratio in Art and Design
The Golden Ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, Golden Mean, or Golden Spiral, is a mathematical concept where a line is divided into two parts, and the ratio of the whole line to the larger part is the same as the ratio of the larger part to the smaller. This ratio is often represented visually by a spiraling curve and has significant implications in art and design.
Dating back to the time of the Greek mathematician Euclid, the Golden Ratio has been a part of mathematical studies. Its visual expression, notably the Fibonacci Spiral, emerged from the development of early geometry. This spiral approximates the golden ratio but never exactly achieves it.
During the Renaissance, particularly in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci like the Mona Lisa, the Golden Ratio played a crucial role in composition, aligning with the Rule of Thirds in classical arts education.
In modern times, the Golden Ratio continues to influence art and design. It’s commonly seen in internet culture, where the golden spiral is overlaid on images, often humorously, to suggest that these compositions share the aesthetic appeal of classical art. For example, a memetic image of Donald Trump with his hair following the golden spiral trended on Reddit in December 2015. Similarly, Russian graphic designer Igor K creatively rearranged celebrities’ faces, including Nicolas Cage, to fit the Golden Ratio, highlighting its pervasive influence in contemporary design and media.


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