The impact of metaverse technology on architecture,
It’s currently hard to quantify the Metaverse effect,
try to think of it as combining the abundance of virtual communities we’ve built over the years on Facebook with the massive array of entertainment opportunities akin to shopping on Amazon.
However, the Metaverse goes further and makes a new kind of landscape possible by playing on the place-making qualities we know from the cities, towns, and villages we inhabit all over the world.
The Metaverse is a transactional space,
perhaps above all an experimental space where unexpected events occur and, most importantly,
the enjoyment of shared events on an individual and group basis.
It is difficult at this stage to comprehend the scale of this new landscape and its impact on our understanding of the virtual world.
Metaverse’s connection to architecture
We’re still very much in the development phase of the Metaverse.
As architects, the way the Metaverse relates to the physics of our world – both natural and built – is of course of profound importance and represents almost endless potential for change and vitality.
Culturally, it has the potential to level the playing field in reaching groups of people from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds without the natural limitations of physical geography or cost…. or even language.
To add to the scene, imagine we’re riding a wave – shiny new surfboards under our feet – heading home to a perfect beach.
Suddenly, we feel a shudder, and notice a shadow running across our boards… We press forward with renewed intent, to finish this journey without hindrance, anxious to arrive safely.
But, if we could turn around, we would see, not a cloud, but a wave,
not an ordinary wave, but an unprecedented wave rising seemingly infinitely high above us… silent, unchanging in its willpower.
The sheer mass of this tidal wave is frightening. But for now, all we can see is the water rising towards the shore.
The beach that seems almost inaccessible.
We are now in the shadow of the tidal wave and do not realize the size of what is to come. Anything could happen.
This is of course a very dramatic example of the power of the Metaverse scene.
Metaverse connection to design
As a designer, it might feel natural to imagine yourself walking down a busy street in a faraway city.
Although the street sides look familiar, you’ve never been here.
Yet you feel comfortable, safe and welcome.
There is a compelling feature of this evening that you can feel in the faces of the people around you – they look lively and interesting.
The shops on both sides of the street offer a wide range of temptations:
clothes, books, entertainment, learning adventures, and even more unusual experiences.
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