The Award is hospitable single participants or groups who have discussed a “Thesis” within the last 5 years, at the top of their studies in Architecture or Engineering-Architecture degree courses, or equivalent training courses.
From this edition, it had been added to the initiative the Domus Special Prize – Digital Technologies BIM – a neighborhood dedicated to those thesis paths (Master’s Degree, Specialization School, Master and Doctorate) developed through the utilization of methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. associated with BIM and it’s held at an equivalent time within the same edition of the “Domus Award Restoration and Preservation”.
Download the information related to this competition here.
VIII Edition Domus Award Restoration and Preservation Fassa Bortolo -
Competition Announcement (Student Competitions) -
Registration Deadline
December 09, 2020 11:30 PM -
Submission Deadline
January 06, 2021 11:30 PM -
Facolta di Architettura di Ferrara -
80 EUR