Competitions places we can go

Waterfront Design Competition,

With the city of Toronto recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic,

and with life returning to normal on the city’s main roads, the contestants are looking for a design that would make the Gardiner Expressway,

a vital connection point with the waterfront.

The Waterfront Design Competition will be launched on August 13, 2021,

with the purpose of engaging professional Canadian artists and designers to develop creative interventions.

This is in order to reimagine the experience of the main intersections of Under Gardiner,

York Street and Simcoe Street, which will be an exciting opportunity to rethink these spaces in Under Gardiner as places for people,

communities and connection.

The competition is a collaboration with the City of Toronto, Waterfront BIA, Toronto Downtown West BIA, and The Bentway.

Waterfront Design Competition

The organizers are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI)

proposals from professional artists and designers interested in participating in the Waterfront Design Competition.

And envision an intersection experience for pedestrians and cyclists in row at two major Gardiner-

York Street and Simcoe Street intersections by advancing the work of the Waterfront Reconnect program.

These interventions will further demonstrate what the potential

of these spaces within Gardiner’s spaces could be, and set a course over the next decade.

Applications are open to all Canadian professional artists and designers,

to assist a wide range of applicants who are looking for an opportunity to experiment, discover and create in this dynamic public space.

Launched in 2019, Waterfront BIA is the first ReConnect project at Rees St. Close to Rogers Center,

and includes design elements such as bright reflective paint,

improved pedestrian signs, and improved route finding to create a new neighborhood gate.

The project team intends to select six supporters, three for York Street and three for Simcoe Street, to participate in the design competition.

All selected supporters are entitled to receive an honor to participate in the design competition.

One winning proposal will be selected for each intersection to be built in mid-2022, and implementation schedules will be improved with the City of Toronto.

Demonstration projects will be implemented when the Gardiner Expressway is rehabilitated in this area between )2025-2028(.

Application deadline:

August 13, 2021

Record the information lecture held on July 27, 2021 at the following link:

Please send questions and inquiries to

More information regarding this competition here.



City of Toronto, Waterfront BIA, Toronto Downtown West BIA, The Bentway

Check out all competitions from here.

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