The Living Places – Simon Architecture Prize, established by the firm Simon and curated by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, honors architectural excellence that significantly enhances quality of life. Launched in 2016 to commemorate Simon’s centenary, this prize has garnered international acclaim, with participation from architecture studios in over 23 countries. In its previous edition, the competition saw 220 projects nominated.

Focus on Human-Centric Architectural Excellence

The award aims to recognize projects that excel in creating comfortable, functional, and enriching environments for daily living. It covers a broad spectrum of architectural works, including interiors, public spaces, and landscaping. The emphasis is on “architecture to be lived,” celebrating designs that enhance everyday activities such as working, learning, and socializing.

Video is the preferred medium for submissions, offering a dynamic way to convey the essence and atmosphere of architectural spaces to a wider audience. Each edition has seen a marked improvement in the quality of the videos submitted, reflecting a high standard of professional audiovisual narrative.

Jury and Evaluation Criteria

The jury for this year’s competition includes prominent figures from architecture, film, and design:

  • Andrés Jaque, PhD Architect, writer, and curator, serving as chairman.
  • Amanda Sans, filmmaker and screenwriter.
  • Verena Von Beckerath, Berlin-based architect and professor.
  • Gabriela de Matos, Afro-Brazilian architect and urban planner.
  • Salvi Plaja, Global Chief Design Officer at Simon and president of FAD.

This distinguished panel will evaluate submissions based on how effectively they capture the prize’s values in two categories: Personal Places and Collective Places. They will select five finalists for each category, from which two winning projects will be chosen. Each winner will receive a cash prize of €10,000 and a trophy designed by Andreu Carulla.

Entry Requirements and Timeline

Participation is open to works completed and operational between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023, within European territories, Mexico, and Brazil. Entries must be in active use and may be submitted by individuals or multidisciplinary teams, provided at least one member is an architect.

Key dates for the 2024 edition are as follows:

  • Pre-registration: Open until September 16, 2024.
  • Registration and document submission: Open until September 30, 2024.
  • Finalists announcement: November 2024.
  • Winners announcement: December 2024.

The Living Places – Simon Architecture Prize continues to highlight the vital role of architecture in enhancing human experiences, advocating for designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also deeply functional and humane.

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