Book Vice is a remarkable bookend by Patrick Christian Design where form elegantly follows expression.

A remarkable bookend where form gracefully follows expression, “Book Vice” is expertly crafted by the US-based studio Patrick Christian Design. It challenges the conventional and creates products that do the same while enhancing the human experience.

Patrick Christian focuses on creatively creating events and products that genuinely restore healthy values to people’s lives.

Looking at some of the books on his bookshelves, Christian recalled the emotions they had caused him to experience when he read them throughout his time studying design in college.

Adding an interesting and innovative touch to classic bookends

Book Vice: a clever twist to traditional bookends

He was motivated to create something that would do the exact opposite of that after being reminded of how rarely he picked up his books to read them after finishing them and by the negative interactions he had with standard bookends falling over.

“Book Vice is an artifact metaphor for the pressure to hold everything in one’s brain and the idea of cramming knowledge into one’s head.

It easily unexpectedly honors books while embracing the truth of how little we connect with them after we read them.

Brilliantly chosen materials to create this one-of-a-kind eclectic product as an alternative to the conventional cast-iron vise grip.

While the steel swivel handle and grips establish a familiar interface and pay homage to the conventional vice grip. The transparent glass base draws more attention to the floating element of the books.

Christian continues, “These material selections allowed me to rework this clumsy utilitarian product unexpectedly and elegantly.

Book Vice: a clever twist to traditional bookends


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