دعوة لتقديم الطلبات: جائزة الهندسة المعمارية لطلاب الصحة Call for Submissions: Architecture for Health Student Award

Call for Submissions: Architecture for Health Student Award

Call for Submissions: Architecture for Health Student Award. Until November 30th, 2022, students have the chance to participate in the fourth Architecture for Health Student Award. The prize, donated by the Hans and Christine Nickl Foundation, is supplemented by a special prize from Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Since 2020, the European Network Architecture for Health has been organizing the international Architecture for Health Student Award to encourage young graduates in the fields of architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture to deal with the topic of health architecture and health protection in the context of planning and building. The award, from the Hans and Christine Nickl Foundation, is 3 prizes and has a total value of 4000 euros.

Charité Special Prize
In addition, the Special Prize of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin will be awarded for the second time. The prize on the topic of “New Concepts for Sustainable Hospitals” is a cash prize of 1000 euros and is intended to honor a student’s work that deals in particular with innovative ideas for buildings in the healthcare sector and the topic of sustainable development.

Further information and the conditions of participation can be found on our website https://www.enah.eu/kopie-award-call-2023


Finally, more on Archup:

Call for Submissions from the Istanbul Design Biennial: “Designing Resilience”

Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities (HERL) – The challenge of climate change

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