International Graduation

Tamayouz is delighted to ask students of Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Architecture Technology and Landscape Design worldwide to register and submit their Graduation Projects. An independent international jury will review all entries and can select the winners of Tamayouz International Award.

The purpose of this architectural design award is to recognise the excellence in architectural design and education worldwide and showcase excellent architectural examples to market and provoke architectural debate to share architectural experience and knowledge among young architects and academics.

Eligibility and Exceptions
All Architecture, Landscape, Urban Planning and Architecture Technology students are eligible to participate within the Tamayouz International and submit their graduation projects for this award as long as they’re expected to graduate during the required period of time within the brief.

Individual students and teams are eligible to compete, as long because the submitted entry is final year graduation projects, only the Team Leader is required to register, the team leader is required to supply the names of the remainder of the team members.

This award is an Open International Student Award, all final year architecture and architecture design technology students studying anywhere within the world are eligible to participate**.

If the scholar is chosen as a winner, we’ll check their information with their university to form sure their are eligible to participate and therefore the information provided is correct.

** The organisers of the award don’t require approval from the schools for his or her students to participate, all what’s required may be a proof that the scholar is predicted to graduate within the specified school year .

Aims and Objectives of Tamayouz International Award

  • Aims to recognise and reward excellence in architectural design and education.
  • Showcase young talents and support academics’ efforts of advancing architectural education worldwide.
  • Promote a culture of excellence at an early stage amongst young designers to advance the profession of architecture professionally and academically.
  • Exchange architecture knowledge, ideas and thoughts by providing a platform for discussions, observation and healthy competition.

Individuals and teams worldwide can register through our online REGISTRATION PAGE will receive an email containing their registration code and payment options.

Registration Fees
Registration Fee for the Tamayouz International is $30 Early (Until May) / $40 (Until 15 August) / $50 Last chance (16 August – Submission), and it is non-refundable.

Institutional Registration Fees (See list of registered institutions)
If an Institution is interested in covering registration fees for its students, The Registration Fee is $500 and it covers the registration fees for all the students studying on their course.

Submission Deadline
Submission deadline is 1st of October [midnight]. Participants will be responsible for the arrival of their proposals within the corresponding deadlines and no proposals will be accepted after the deadline.

For Submission Materials, templates and guide please visit our Students Section

Award’s Rules and Regulations

  • The official language of the Award is English.
  • This is an international anonymous, single stage award open to students worldwide, all award submissions are to remain anonymous throughout the process and will only be identified using a registration code assigned by Tamayouz International during registration process. No entry will be reviewed or evaluated that contains any mark, logo or other identification or the identity of the individual or any member of their team.
  • The identification of the 3 winners and 7 honourable mentions awarded will only be revealed after the jury evaluation period and at the time the award results are published on the Tamayouz Excellence Award Website.

Award submissions will be automatically disqualified if:

  • any attempt of any form of communication regarding this award is made with a jury members or those involved with the preparation and organisation of this award;
  • any submission is received after the deadline as stated on the award schedule;
  • any submission panel includes any language other than English;
  • any submission contains any mark, logo or other indication of the identity the author/s;
  • any submission does not abide by the submission requirements and rules as stated in this brief

Assessment Criteria for 2021
We are looking for aspirational and transformative projects tackling local and global challenges informed by a holistic understanding of context.

RELEVANCE: A declaration of conditions that set the contextual parameters of the proposal. Clarity of research process.

RESPONSE: Aspirational, transformative and original projects with a programmatic response to existing environmental, social conditions and local challenges. Clarity of design process.

RESOLUTION: A clearly declared architectural/urban intent and design vision. Spatial, material and technical realisation.


2021 Cycle Launch: April/2021

Early Registration Period: 06 Apr – 30/May

Standard Registration Period: 01/Jun- 31/Aug

Last Chance to register Period: 1/Sep- 19/Sep

Start of Submissions Period: 01/Jun/2021

End of Submissions Period: 20/Sep/2021

Long-list Announcement: Nov/2021

Short-list Announcement: Nov/2021

Winner Announcement: Dec/2021

First Prize: 
An MSc Scholarship for 2 Years at the University Polytechnic of Milan* + Tamayouz Medal + Certificate + An invitation to attend the annual ceremony and the international design workshop (travel and accommodation covered by Tamayouz).

Second Prize: A three-month paid internship with Dewan Architects + Engineers in Dubai*** + Certificate + An invitation to attend the annual ceremony and the international design workshop (travel and accommodation covered by Tamayouz).

Third Prize: A three-month paid internship with Dewan Architects + Engineers in Dubai + Certificate + An invitation to attend the annual ceremony and the international design workshop (travel and accommodation covered by Tamayouz).

7 X Honourable Mentions: Tamayouz Medallion + Certificate + Invitation to attend the annual ceremony.

Supervisor of the Year: Given to the supervisor of the winning project or the supervisor with most entries supervised in the Top 10 Tamayouz Medal + Certificate.

Architecture School of the Year: Given to the university of the winning project or the university with the most entries in the Top 10 Tamayouz Medallion.

Shortlist & Longlist: Will feature in our online publications and social media pages.

Visit for more information on the award, ceremony and policies.

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