Global Architecture News

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Parametric modelings

Parametric modelings

Parametric modelings,The Parametric Model creation process is an important stage in the digital design process in general and in the Parametric design process in particular.The Para-metric model allows the designer to make changes and geometric reconfiguration without erasing and repainting.It…

The Digital Design Process

The Digital Design Process

The Digital Design Process,The employment of digital technology in contemporary architecture provided new possibilities,in terms of creating shape and design of structural structures and means of producing components and construction,in addition to providing capabilities to test the performance of architecture.As…

Print buildings

Print buildings

Print buildings,The ancients sometimes used to build their own homes even if they were not architects or professional builders,the topic requires learning some techniques that enabled them to participate in building their house and feel a greater sense of return…

Harmony in sound and emptiness

Harmony in sound and emptiness

Harmony in sound and emptiness,In late 2019, due to the focus of our team on artistic architectural aspects,an international architectural course titled Architectural Relationships between Harmony in Voice and Space was affiliated and a constant comparisonhas been made between music…



鄧師傅閏月豬腳禮盒-傳統習俗認為長輩遇到閏年會減壽,因此當遇到三年一次的閏月時就要幫長輩添壽。因此閏月時,由已婚的女兒送父母豬腳麵線添壽,就能將父母的時間也變長,進而達到長壽的意涵。將招牌拿手菜滷豬腳等等組成禮盒, 用小份量、多樣化的菜色,讓生活忙碌或外地成家的現代兒女,能夠立即煮出飯店等級的菜色,向父母盡孝。福如東海 豬腳麵線滿山-遠在外工作的子女想念父母,想為此盡一份孝心不怕距離的遙遠,也想將這份福氣,送到他們心中在插畫設計以具東方文化意涵的象徵事物表達祝壽以豬腳麵線為主角,用超現實的情節呈現其象徵平安、添壽的意涵。製作單位 Production | K9 Design藝術指導 Art Director | Kevin包裝設計 Packaging | Fei & Gordon插畫設計 Illustration | warm space

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