Milky’s Cloud Room Cafe Interior Design 3D Travertine Wall Patterns,

The newly established Full Fat Studio has designed an interior space within a new store,

using powder color and 3D patterns in Toronto, Canada.

The studio named the newly designed space Milky’s Cloud Room,

the second location for the Milky Café that opened on October 10.

Housed in a shipping container at Stackt Market,

the café features dynamically changing lights and a handcrafted coffee and tea bar.

Cloud Room gets its name from the moving light that gathers shadows in a 3D limestone pattern covering the walls and ceiling,

mimicking the shadows of clouds moving across the wall.

Light moves at a very slow pace; It can’t be felt by staring at him,

but it is noticed by the time it takes to wait for the coffee order to arrive.


Milky's Cloud Room Cafe Interior Design 3D Travertine Wall Patterns


Developed from the architectural language and graphic decoration created for Milky’s by Batay-Csorba Architects,

Cloud Room achieves a familiar yet fresh feel.

Changes in material, colour, pattern, and detail create two different spaces.

The entire interior was custom designed and manufactured to match the interior of the container,

then the walls and ceiling were sculpted from limestone by a Marbella machine.

Anoni designed smart light bulbs to control the atmosphere and create a cloud effect,

and other fixtures, such as fiber-optic counter lights, were customized to fit the space.

Architectural designers used Relative Space herringbone designs to cover floors.


Milky's Cloud Room Cafe Interior Design 3D Travertine Wall Patterns


Milky’s Cloud Room Cafe Interior Design 3D Travertine Wall Patterns

The company that designed the project was keen to use stone in the design,

to give it calm and classicism.

They chose the concept of clouds to give the design an element of surprise,

to put the café-goers in a great mood with their morning coffee.

The idea of ​​’everything around the display is just as important as the product’,

as a style of hospitality was the design idea of ​​Milky’s Cloud Room.

Design is studied throughout the space, from the narrow color palette to the unique cups used for each drink,

all to create a space that slows down time.

Cloud Room featured a brewing bar to expand its Milky product offerings,

and the pour-and-suction brewing process added more ways to brew specialty tea and coffee.


You may like: Design and implementation of cafes
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